• Angel
  • Cyborg
  • Demon
  • Human
  • Lycan
  • Neko
  • Sidhe
  • Supernatural
  • Undead
  • Vampire
Angel: The warriors of the Host, the Angels appeared when the War of Armageddon began, after the appearance of Wormwood threw the Earth into chaos.

Mythos: Truly non-human, angels are extremely variant in their behaviors some are beneficent and kind others have a deep jealousy for the human race and regard them as nothing but apes.

Innate Abilities:
Angel's Blessing(Angelbuff)
Holy Smite

  • Guardian
  • Seraphim
  • Arch-Angel
  • Myrmidon
Guardian: Tank Class
Stalwart warriors of the Host, the Guardian Angel is the strongest of all the Angelic Host, able to bear the brunt of multiple enemy attacks without flinching.

Hit chance: 95

Class bonuses

  • Fortitude: +10
  • Willpower: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Prayers
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: AngelBuff


  • Adamant: 3
  • Strength: 3
  • Intelligence: 1.2

Skills table

Seraphim: Healer Class
The light of life springs from these angels, giving them the ability to heal their allies and rain down redemption and retribution on their foes

Hit chance: 98

Class bonuses

  • Fortitude: +10
  • Willpower: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Prayers
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: AngelBuff


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 2
  • Intelligence: 2

Skills table

Arch-Angel: DPS Class
The Furious Angels of the Host, scything sin and evil by the sword and bringing the Judgment of the Host upon all the unclean.

Hit chance: 97

Class bonuses

  • Fortitude: +10
  • Willpower: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Prayers
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: AngelBuff


  • Adamant: 1
  • Strength: 4
  • Intelligence: 1.5

Skills table

Myrmidon: Caster Class
Wielders of holy arcanum the Myrmidon Angel channels holy power into long ranged magical abilities.

Hit chance: 98

Class bonuses

  • Fortitude: +5
  • Endurance: +5
  • Willpower: +5
  • Intelligence: +5

Racial points

  • Name: Prayers
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: AngelBuff


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 2
  • Intelligence: 1.75

Skills table

Cyborg: Part machine, part biological the Cyborgs of the era are an efficient and hard to knock down breed, formerly human and in some cases fully android, their efficiency for combat is hard to match

Mythos: Androids come in many flavors and each has its own individual bio-mechanical make up, being enhanced by technology they are more efficient in the use of their power resources than other races. But also have Innate abilities according to class rather than race.

Innate Abilities:
Power Conversion

  • Drone
  • PleasureBot
  • HunterKiller
  • Nano-Medic
Drone: Tank Class
The combat tank of the Cyborg race, the Drone is extremely tough and built to take all the punishment the Post Apocalyptic world can throw at it

Hit chance: 95

Class bonuses

  • Fortitude: +10
  • Willpower: +5
  • Intelligence: +5

Racial points

  • Name: Energy
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Conversion


  • Adamant: 3
  • Strength: 3
  • Intelligence: 1.25

Skills table

Pleasure Bot: Healer Class
Built for fun and endurance the Pleasure Bot can keep going and going and going and going...long after most other batteries die. As the Cyborg race has no caster variant, the Pleasure Bot is a healing variant class based on stamina control.

Hit chance: 96

Class bonuses

  • Intelligence: +10
  • Perception: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Energy
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Conversion


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 2
  • Intelligence: 1.55

Skills table

Hunter Killer: DPS Class
The Cyborg Hunter Killer is a machine designed for one purpose, terminating enemy targets in as quick and efficient a manner as possible.

Hit chance: 97

Class bonuses

  • Strength: +5
  • Endurance: +10
  • Intelligence: +5

Racial points

  • Name: Energy
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Conversion


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 4
  • Intelligence: 1.35

Skills table

Nano-Medic: Healer Class
Originally built for military support the Cyborg Nano-Medic is quite simply the most efficient healing mecha-prototype in the known world, able to keep hordes of allies alive in battle while still being able to defend itself quite competently.

Hit chance: 96

Class bonuses

  • Willpower: +10
  • Intelligence: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Energy
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Conversion


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 1
  • Intelligence: 2

Skills table

Demon: The other side of the coin in the arrival of the Armageddon war, the demons are pitiless and merciless, completely brutal and bent on domination. They are terrifying and beautiful at the same time.

Mythos: Demons vary from type to type, but all of them are truly evil. They may at times take on mortal allies or even mortal forms themselves to decieve but beware as you can never truly know the mind of the Damned.

Innate Abilities:
Soul Wrack

  • Flayer
  • MindRender
  • Warrior
  • Defiler
Flayer: DPS Class
The merciless Demon Flayer, built to torture and maim. Their combined abilities make them extremely dangerous enemies.

Hit chance: 98

Class bonuses

  • Strength: +5
  • Endurance: +5
  • Willpower: +5
  • Perception: +5

Racial points

  • Name: Souls
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Wrack


  • Adamant: 1
  • Strength: 4
  • Intelligence: 1.45

Skills table

MindRender: Healer Class
Nefarious manipulators of dark essences the MindRender is the healer of the Demon hordes.

Hit chance: 98

Class bonuses

  • Strength: +5
  • Endurance: +5
  • Willpower: +5
  • Perception: +5

Racial points

  • Name: Souls
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Wrack


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 2
  • Intelligence: 2

Skills table

Warrior: Tank Class
The brutal warriors of the Demon invasion extremely resilient and hard to take down they use their combined capabilities to weaken their foes and shrug off their attacks.

Hit chance: 95

Class bonuses

  • Strength: +5
  • Endurance: +5
  • Willpower: +5
  • Perception: +5

Racial points

  • Name: Souls
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Wrack


  • Adamant: 3
  • Strength: 3
  • Intelligence: 1.25

Skills table

Defiler: Caster Class
The fearsome Defiler a master of dark magics and arts of fire and darkness.

Hit chance: 98

Class bonuses

  • Strength: +5
  • Intelligence: +15

Racial points

  • Name: Souls
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Wrack


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 3
  • Intelligence: 2

Skills table

Human: Humans, the unsuspecting species of the Earth that in their own quest for self destruction simply ran into a destruction that had been pre-destined for them for billions of years, a hardy and adaptive species, they do their best to meet their new challenges using the last vestiges of technology available to them.

Mythos: Humans tend to react differently to the post apocalyptic age, some fall back on pure military might to protect their own, others fall inward and become the tools and pawns of the new powers that be.

Innate Abilities:
Human Spirit

  • Soldier
  • Paramedic
  • Assassin
  • Arcanist
Soldier: Tank Class
The ubiquitous human soldier, ever adaptable never to be under-estimated, they bring to bear the skills and training of years of military doctrine with the technology left in the world to combine them into one extremely tough package.

Hit chance: 95

Class bonuses

  • Fortitude: +5
  • Endurance: +5
  • Intelligence: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Defiance
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: LegSweep


  • Adamant: 3
  • Strength: 3
  • Intelligence: 1.25

Skills table

Para-Medic: Healer Class
The unsung hero of any battle, the para-medic is the healer of the human race, well versed in advanced medical skills and well equipped to heal multiple allies and tend to their wounds while fighting in the front line of the battle the Para-Medic is a paragon of Hippocratic virtue packing a pistol and depleted uranium rounds.

Hit chance: 98

Class bonuses

  • Fortitude: +5
  • Endurance: +5
  • Intelligence: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Defiance
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: LegSweep


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 2
  • Intelligence: 1.5

Skills table

Assassin: DPS Class
Lean, mean and extremely dangerous, human assassins are a pinnacle of physical development meeting technological tools, their natural defiance allows them to shrug off damage that other races might not and their attacks are lightning quick and often deadly.

Hit chance: 97

Class bonuses

  • Fortitude: +5
  • Endurance: +5
  • Intelligence: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Defiance
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: LegSweep


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 4
  • Intelligence: 1.35

Skills table

Arcanist: Caster Class
Wily scholars and wielders of wild sorcery the Arcanist is the human races magical adepts, using their grasp of the new energies of the world to rain destruction on their enemies

Hit chance: 98

Class bonuses

  • Fortitude: +5
  • Willpower: +5
  • Intelligence: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Defiance
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: LegSweep


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 2
  • Intelligence: 1.5

Skills table

Lycan: Feral and brutal the Lycans are bestial creatures with human origins, extremely powerful in combat, their senses are far keener than most races. And their capabilities should never be under-estimated.

Mythos: Lycans tend to be a mix of human and animal, sometimes full shape shifters, sometimes partial, and at other times, there is no actual bestial shift but the humanoid appearance is enhanced heavily by the Lycan blood within them.

Innate Abilities:

  • Brute
  • Stalker
  • Shaman
  • Werelock
Brute: Tank Class
The powerhouse of the lycan breed the Brute combines the raw physical prowess of the Lycan with an almost invulnerable ability to take damage and punishment and keep on coming.

Hit chance: 97

Class bonuses

  • Strength: +10
  • Fortitude: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Rage
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Lacerate


  • Adamant: 4
  • Strength: 5
  • Intelligence: 1

Skills table

Stalker: DPS Class
Claws and black death the Lycan Stalker is the single most feared damage dealer in the world, quite capable of dealing out horrendous amounts of pain and suffering, the more damage it takes the more dangerous it becomes.

Hit chance: 99

Class bonuses

  • Strength: +10
  • Fortitude: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Rage
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Lacerate


  • Adamant: 1
  • Strength: 5
  • Intelligence: 1.25

Skills table

Shaman: Healer Class
A combination of raw strength, and healing capability, the Lycan Shaman is well versed in the healing aid of its allies and has also tapped into the dark arts of magic allowing them to steal life from their enemies to heal themselves.

Hit chance: 98

Class bonuses

  • Strength: +10
  • Fortitude: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Rage
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Lacerate


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 3
  • Intelligence: 1.75

Skills table

Werelock: Caster Class
A practioner of dark arts the Lycan Werelock combines the brute force of the Lycan powers with a dangerous mix of dark arcanum to turn them into a truly terrifying enemy to face.

Hit chance: 99

Class bonuses

  • Endurance: +5
  • Willpower: +5
  • Intelligence: +5
  • Perception: +5

Racial points

  • Name: Rage
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Lacerate


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 3
  • Intelligence: 1.75

Skills table

Neko: To some a magical accident to others a strange mutation the Nekos mix feline and humanoid characteristics bringing the best of both to bear in their species

Mythos: Nekos are presented in many ways in the world, from the playful and mischievous, to the sexually indiscriminate to the feral and wise.

Innate Abilities:
Catlike Reflexes
Enhanced Perception

  • Alleycat
  • Mouser
  • Prowler
  • Cabalist
Alleycat: Healer Class
The matriarch/patriarch of most neko clans the Alleycat tends to the scratches and bruises of their brood as best they can while combining some mix of technology and healing arts with their exceptional reflexes to assist their friends in combat.

Hit chance: 98

Class bonuses

  • Perception: +10
  • Finesse: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Lives
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Claw


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 2
  • Intelligence: 2

Skills table

Mouser: DPS Class
The feral Mouser is a fierce tom cat, generally all claws an spitting growls, its damage output combined with its uncanny ability to avoid being hit makes it a very formidable foe.

Hit chance: 97

Class bonuses

  • Perception: +10
  • Finesse: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Lives
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Claw


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 4
  • Intelligence: 1.45

Skills table

Prowler: Tank Class
The fierce Neko prowler is built like a brick house and has the bite to back it up, its combination of extreme damage resistance along with the innate reflexes of the neko race makes it a very tough cat to bring down.

Hit chance: 97

Class bonuses

  • Perception: +10
  • Finesse: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Lives
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Claw


  • Adamant: 3
  • Strength: 3
  • Intelligence: 1

Skills table

Cabalist: Caster Class
The Neko Cabalist is a strange mix of proto-shamanistic magic and modern technology bringing together the strange magic rituals of their kind with the pure firepower of a shotgun in hand combined with their natural avoidance abilities, they are a very tricky foe indeed.

Hit chance: 99

Class bonuses

  • Intelligence: +5
  • Perception: +10
  • Finesse: +5

Racial points

  • Name: Lives
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Claw


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 1
  • Intelligence: 1.75

Skills table

Sidhe: The Sidhe are a multifaceted species bringing actually multiple strains of racial type to the world, elves and pixies and sprites and imps are all typical of this race, and not all of them are nice, in fact, its often quite the opposite.

Mythos: Sidhe introduce an element of magic in everything they do and everything they are. While gregarious and friendly, members of the Seelie Court can actually get on quite well in the modern world. But there is also the more nefarious and dark Unseelie Court which is not a force to be trifled with.

Innate Abilities:
Rend Mana
All Classes Magically Adept

  • Bladeweaver
  • Shade
  • Diviner
  • Thaumaturge
Bladeweaver: Tank Class
The Sidhe Bladeweaver is an interesting mix of damage avoidance, armor absorption and magical integration the combination makes them a very unpredictable foe on the battlefield.

Hit chance: 97

Class bonuses

  • Endurance: +5
  • Intelligence: +5
  • Perception: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Runes
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: RendMana


  • Adamant: 3
  • Strength: 3
  • Intelligence: 1.25

Skills table

Shade: DPS Class
The damage dealing class of the Sidhe race, the Shade combines the traditional damage dealing capabilities with a mix of damage avoidance and magical ability, increasing their deadliness to a single target or even to foes all around them.

Hit chance: 99

Class bonuses

  • Fortitude: +5
  • Endurance: +5
  • Perception: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Runes
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: RendMana


  • Adamant: 1
  • Strength: 4
  • Intelligence: 1.3

Skills table

Diviner: Healer Class
A master or mistress of the eldritch healing arts, the Sidhe Diviner combines sorcery and life stealing along with the innate ability to control fire magic as well, making them an extremely competent healer on the battlefield.

Hit chance: 98

Class bonuses

  • Endurance: +5
  • Willpower: +5
  • Intelligence: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Runes
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: RendMana


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 2
  • Intelligence: 2

Skills table

Thaumaturge: Caster Class
The Sidhe Thaumaturge an adept of all things magical, they are fluent in multiple schools of magic and have dabbled in the dark arts of life stealing as well.

Hit chance: 99

Class bonuses

  • Endurance: +10
  • Intelligence: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Runes
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: RendMana


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 2
  • Intelligence: 2

Skills table

Supernatural: The Supernatural species of the world is actually its most difficult genera to classify, as it can range quite broadly from simple humans with super natural abilities to trans-dimensional beings of great power, a little out of touch though with humanity there is a small trace of insanity in all of them.

Mythos: Supernatural beings are presented in the broadest fashion in all parts of the world, almost impossible to classify singularly every single member of the Supernatural race is as strange as they are individual.

Innate Abilities:
Rend Mana
Mass Lunacy

  • Mystic
  • Feyblade
  • Magus
  • Sentinel
Mystic: Healer Class
The Supernatural Mystic is well versed in the healing lores of many cultures and species being capable both on and off the battlefield of bringing aid to their friends, their command of life energy and their ability to instill madness in those around them make them very formidible healers.

Hit chance: 98

Class bonuses

  • Fortitude: +5
  • Willpower: +10
  • Intelligence: +5

Racial points

  • Name: Mana
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: RendMana


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 2
  • Intelligence: 1.5

Skills table

Feyblade: DPS Class
The Feyblade is a dangerous fighter, using its command of damage dealing arts in conjunction with its natural control of energy and the state of enemy psychology it can be a very dangerous force all on its own.

Hit chance: 99

Class bonuses

  • Fortitude: +5
  • Willpower: +10
  • Intelligence: +5

Racial points

  • Name: Mana
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: RendMana


  • Adamant: 1
  • Strength: 4
  • Intelligence: 1.4

Skills table

Magus: Caster Class
The Magus is a very dangerous magical adept, combining the ability to set people on fire, freeze them in ice, curse them and drive them insane and thats just the start of the problems.

Hit chance: 99

Class bonuses

  • Willpower: +5
  • Intelligence: +10
  • Perception: +5

Racial points

  • Name: Mana
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: RendMana


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 2
  • Intelligence: 1.5

Skills table

Sentinel: Tank Class
The Supernatural Sentinel is a mix of magical enhancements and raw power brought together with heavy armor and the ability to ignore some of the strongest attacks from their enemies a powerful foe indeed given its racial capabilities.

Hit chance: 97

Class bonuses

  • Fortitude: +5
  • Willpower: +10
  • Intelligence: +5

Racial points

  • Name: Mana
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: RendMana


  • Adamant: 3
  • Strength: 3
  • Intelligence: 1.35

Skills table

Undead: The Undead are an unsettling finding in the world, being humans recently deceased that simply refused to die, they rose in great numbers during the start of the Armageddon War, but Jesus is apparently going to be fashionably late so all these risen dead have no where to go..and whats worse is they're all very angry about it.

Mythos: The Undead of the game world present in multiple different ways from the fresh corpse walking to the horrifying flesh abominations, they are nearly immune to pain being one of the most resilient of the known world races and feed on the flesh of the living for sustenance.

Innate Abilities:
Eat Brains
Zombie Hordes
Damage Resilient

  • Revenant
  • Wraith
  • Specter
  • Eidolon
Revenent: Tank Class
Thick skinned and heavy boned the Revenent is the Tank class of the Undead Hordes, generally able to take a beating and recover from it easily by eating the flesh of their enemies, they can usually be found beating an enemy to death with one of their own arms while ignoring all attempts to stop them.

Hit chance: 97

Class bonuses

  • Fortitude: +10
  • Willpower: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Fury
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Gore


  • Adamant: 3
  • Strength: 3
  • Intelligence: 1

Skills table

Wraith: DPS Class
Woe to the person that finds an Undead wraith on their trail, the Wraith is a pitiless undead killer made numb to pain by their own death, they achieve great amounts of it in other people that become their targets.

Hit chance: 99

Class bonuses

  • Strength: +5
  • Endurance: +5
  • Perception: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Fury
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Gore


  • Adamant: 1
  • Strength: 4
  • Intelligence: 1.35

Skills table

Specter: Healer Class
The quiet ghost of a caring soul the Specter is the healing class of the Undead Hordes, moving life energy from one form to another and supporting their allies while terrorizing their enemies.

Hit chance: 98

Class bonuses

  • Endurance: +5
  • Willpower: +5
  • Intelligence: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Fury
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Gore


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 2
  • Intelligence: 2

Skills table

Eidolon: Caster Class
A dark fury of a soul wielding the miasma of darkness and pain and channeling it into magical attacks against the enemy, the Eidolon is the epitome of black magery.

Hit chance: 98

Class bonuses

  • Endurance: +10
  • Intelligence: +10

Racial points

  • Name: Fury
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Gore


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 2
  • Intelligence: 2

Skills table

Vampire: Powerful, beautiful, and deadly, Vampires are a proud and noble species with bloodlines ranging from the deranged and insane, to the lustful and seductive to the brutal and imperious.

Mythos: Young vampires are still very human. As they age, they can lose their touch with humanity. Truly ancient vampires are extremely dangerous and even cause terror in their own kindred.

Innate Abilities:
Vampire Feeding
Blood Healing
Black Regeneration

  • Templar
  • Acolyte
  • Death-Dealer
  • Diablerist
Templar: Tank Class
The warrior elite of the vampire bloodlines the Vampire Templar is built to take immense punishment while dishing out some of their own.

Hit chance: 97

Class bonuses

  • Strength: +10
  • Intelligence: +5
  • Perception: +5

Racial points

  • Name: Blood
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Feed


  • Adamant: 3
  • Strength: 3
  • Intelligence: 1.25

Skills table

Acolyte: Healer Class
The Vampire Acolyte is the healing class of the vampire species using a mix of technology and blood magic they bring aid to their allies and strike fear in their enemies.

Hit chance: 98

Class bonuses

  • Strength: +10
  • Intelligence: +5
  • Perception: +5

Racial points

  • Name: Blood
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Feed


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 2
  • Intelligence: 2

Skills table

Death Dealer: DPS Class
The killing machines of the vampire bloodline's the Vampire Death-Dealer is a very efficient fighter with blades or guns.

Hit chance: 99

Class bonuses

  • Strength: +10
  • Intelligence: +5
  • Perception: +5

Racial points

  • Name: Blood
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Feed


  • Adamant: 1
  • Strength: 3
  • Intelligence: 1.45

Skills table

Diablerist: Caster Class
The masters and mistresses of dark blood magics the Diablerist is cunning and deadly from a distance and a capable combatant up close as well.

Hit chance: 99

Class bonuses

  • Willpower: +5
  • Intelligence: +15

Racial points

  • Name: Blood
  • Method: SKILL
  • Skill: Feed


  • Adamant: 0
  • Strength: 2
  • Intelligence: 2

Skills table

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