Just a quick look at what mesh can do when you're not even really trying. These are some random meshes designed by Chaos that we've thrown together in the rebuild sim for the Mesh RC test.

Mesh RC test is tonight at 9:00PM PST, at the CoLA Lost Angels sim.

We're looking to get as much help as we can with stress testing the situation.

Please keep in mind that the build you see during this test and in this picture are not indicative of the final CoLA rebuild that we're working on, this is just a single street recopied over and over to max out region resources for testing purposes.

Hope to see you there tonight at 9pm SL Time! Get the mesh project test viewer at the following Link
CoLAHeya all, we just spent the whole weekend promoting CoLA and CCS to around 25,000 people to the A-Kon Anime and Gaming Convention in Dallas, Texas.

We had a great time and spent a of time along side Anthony Brownrigg, the director of Archaic Redemption and Emerick Jade, the actress who is playing Jaxxie Jules in the movie and of course general girl wonder extraordinaire, or at least from what we saw of her at the convention.

As you might expect after getting home we were still a bit wound up and it took awhile to get to sleep, but eventually slept like the dead.

I know a lot of people are asking about the second free respec, yes I did mention a few times it would be after the 12th of June, and yes it will be, but I would like everyone to please relax and realize that I'm a human being and I just need a day to recover before we get back to the business of CCS and all that.

So expect the free global respec to be pushed network wide on the 14th, and my availability in world will become more regular then as well. Just need to unwind and get back to normal here.

If you haven't checked it out we got a ton of pictures at the Con and I made several good industry contacts while doing gaming panels at the convention, you can check all that out here at the Official City of Lost Angels Facebook
CoLAUp at the top of the site you'll see there is a new link that says COLA SWAG. We're just putting an option out there for our player base and fans of the COLA Universe to buy t-shirts with our community logo on them.

We get a small commission for each purchase so it helps out our finances a bit and gets you a wicked obscure gothy t-shirt that will make people wonder how you suddenly got so hip and underground.

Unpurchasable at Hot-Topic, The Gap, or even the local Salvation Army, your CoLA t-shirt will be a unique item in your goth wardrobe that even your coolest friends can't get!

In all seriousness we just thought we'd try it out, purchases are not compulsory but grab one if you want one.

If people like the idea we'll expand the inventory a bit with some other options and new graphic designs. Otherwise, no harm, no foul.
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