CCS NetworkExcept there is no debate, merely a poll for you to vote on.

Now believe me I know people will want to discuss why they think so and so weapon developer is out of bounds but please, lets not start a forum discussion on the situation. Simply vote and let me see what the data is without the white noise of arguments and differences in opinion.

In other news this will largely be irrelevant very soon, API 3.0 will be going into beta testing within the next week and our most active developers will be the first to get their hands on it and help us shape it to be the helpful, self balancing system it was designed to be. Maldoror Bowman, an API developer himself, and a member of the CCS Development Team, is heading up the efforts to polish off the 3.0 API for beta testing, and once its passed muster, it will be set up with digital signature security and pushed to the live developer market.

And in other note, the reason I didn't list all 45 licensed developers in the poll is because I wanted to concentrate on developers with multiple weapons in the market, and not all of our 45 developers are active weapon developers, some develop RP enhancement aids, others only have one weapon that is CCS enhanced, so I just listed out the major market developers on the list to get an idea from the players what they think.

Thanks for taking the time to vote, and regardless of who you vote for, the new regime is coming soon! The API is dead! All Hail the API! (3.0)
CCS NetworkHey all a quick update on the progress of CCS 1.0.5 and some explanation of the new HUD System we're introducing with CCS 1.0.5 as part of the feature updates.

The new CCS HUD is developed to take up as little screen real estate as possible while docking with the top and left side of the SL viewer screen, making it a seamless addition to the SL viewer view, without creating a blind spot to the left or right of the screen as the current CCS HUD does. It also has a fully retractable RP Tools drawer which will not leave a ghost prim behind after you close it, so you will not consistently click the transparent drawer that you cannot see. New advances in LSL have allowed us to integrate this kind of functionality with very little lag.

Most of the features of the HUD are completely recognizable as elements that have been part of the CCS HUD since way back in 2006. But some new elements are there as well. The shapes at the top are the new language neutral CAPTCHA system the buttons with the shapes are the answers. There is another field on the HUD that will randomly show you an image with a shape on it. Choosing the shape on the buttons answers the challenge and requires no dialog menus or chat notices whatsoever. When you see a shape in the challenge window, you simply click the corresponding answer on your HUD, and the shape in the challenge window will then go away, indicating that you have successfully answered the system. We feel this system is simple and secure and does not confuse users with dyslexia or users who do not speak English as a second language. Its small, fast and easy to deal with, and we hope it makes the situation more convenient for our users rather than having to deal with scanning your chat buffer for the number that was asked for and clicking an annoying drop down window.

As you may know we're currently in beta testing trying to ensure we're able to use high level encryption to protect CCS and the CCS API from illegitimate usage by people who have a mind to try to cheat to win. We're gathering a lot of data from our first round of testers and making adjustments and fixing things that aren't quite working as planned based on the feedback they're giving. We expect we will be adding a new round of beta testers soon, as we update the current code base and add in fixes for bugs they are reporting, so be on the look out for an invitation to the beta test group.

So just a heads up on the development in progress! Hope to have all this stuff in your hot little hands as soon as possible!
CCS NetworkIt might be because over the last two months of us notifying people over and over about the new payment system and ensuring that people got new units and everything got swapped over for the August 1st transition, a lot of sims appear to have completely not gotten the news and they may be inactive as of this time as all sims that have gone beyond 7 days in arrears on payment are now deactivated.

So if your sim isn't online, please feel free to contact me, or She Juniper, or Iliana Shabazz or Naline Yoshikawa in regards to attempting to get up to speed on the addition of the New Payment System to your sim. A few quick exchanges and everything will come back online without any issue.

Any sim that has not sorted out their deactivation by September 1st will be purged from the CCS system and there is a potential risk that your enhanced XP License upgrade could be rendered null and void unless you have a license key on record with CCS Administration that we can easily check in our records.

So please feel free to contact me or She Juniper or Iliana Shabazz or Naline Yoshikawa to sort out any issues with a region you run that you have found no longer CCS active.

Have a great day!
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