
  • Respecs can be issued by Global GMs if there was an obvious error during the respec process where a player misunderstood a mechanic of the respec system that caused them to not choose their level appropriate abilities during the process. Respecs are not issued to "fix points".

  • Respecs can be issued by sim owner/admins or Global GMs in the case of role played character changes from one race to another, the role play must be documented and observed and supervised by a staff GM member of a sim and fully documented on the player record as of the time the respec is issued.


All CCS sims have their own rules, many of them are similar but some have vastly different rules. The rules of CCS are that the rules of the sim you are in are the rules you must follow. It is the right of the sim owner admin to conduct the CCS game to their specified rules and regulations within the sims they own. Violations of a sims rules because of ignorance of said rules is NOT a valid excuse for calling a GM and contesting a warning or other disciplinary action.


XP Docks for system violations such as camping, cheating, rules or conduct infractions or exploitations cannot be reversed by a Global GM unless it is patently obvious that the dock in questioned was levied against the player for reasons completely unrelated to any conduct or rules infraction. A global GM is not authorized to reverse the decisions of a sim owner or a sim GM unless it is obviously shown that a dock was levied against the player based on a personal agenda or dislike of the player.


SIM Bans cannot be overturned by Global GMs, by rights all land owners in Second Life have the right to refuse access to their property to anyone they wish for any reason. Do not contact a Global GM to contest a ban in a CCS sim, to resolve that you must speak with the sim owner, if the sim owner is not willing to deal with you and be reasonable, then it is best to find another sim to play in entirely. Global GMs and CCS System Admins will not tell a sim owner who they can ban and who they cannot ban from their sovereign estates.

CCS Bans:

This punishment should be given only to frequent offenders, or system abusers. It should not be the first punishment a player receives and it is highly advised to consult a Global GM before giving a CCS ban.

The correct procedure is when a player has contacted GMs and Sim admins first ( same steps as docks and warnings), once the case is reviewed, the sim owner will have the choice to keep the ban in place or reverse it according to their CCS rules. If a GGM is called on the scene it is done so in order to consult with a senior, expert player, and their resolution shall be adhered to without question.

XP Loss:

XP Loss issues are rare but do occur randomly, it is, at times, hard to identify the loss within the CCS system itself and log text information is easily altered, making player level documentation of their XP slightly questionable. If you find, at any time that you have lost XP contact a database GM immediately to see if your reported XP matches the XP on your record, if it does, then you may contact a global GM so the Global GM may review your record snapshots to see if the higher XP value was recorded at any time previous to the percieved loss, if no data can be found to prove the loss of the XP, the XP cannot be returned by a Global GM.

XP Transfer:

In the past in CCS we have allowed occasional transfers of XP from one avatar to another, over time we found that much of these requests were based in fraudulent situations, at this time Global Administrators can make decisions on allowing for one time XP transfers for characters under extreme circumstances. But the situation must qualify, we do not transfer the XP of characters that have been banned by Linden Labs for any reason.

When to contact a Global:

  • You are a CCS Sim Admin and you need to award or dock xp to a GM from another sim (actually you can also Im the CCS SIM Admin the GM you want to add or dock xp works for)
  • If a problem arises and you are not too sure how to solve it, you can ask a global for their mediation.
  • If any issue regarding system exploit arises.
  • If you are dealing with an issue that brings up issues between two seperate CCS communities and the community GMs in question are not capable of being unbiased.
  • If you feel there is a deep error in your character record that cannot be addressed by any normal database GM, If this is the case it is likely that most of the Global GMs will not be able to help you either and they will have to forward your case to the CCS administrative team.

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