Hey all just wanted to let you know that we really want to integrate the various sim communities and CCS third party developers into the new site and give you all a central area to talk to the community about who you are and what you do.
To set up a featured article, all you need to do is use the Submissions function and write up an article, including at least one image of your sim or product you're wanting to feature that is set to a pixel dimension of 594w x 240h. We'll then approve the article and link it into its appropriate category and add the that graphic as the feature article graphic in the site's news carousel and you'll be able to share your information with everyone.
The point is to give everyone an equal footing, even players may submit feature articles for consideration, we'll consider anything well written and helpful to the community as a whole for feature exposure on the site's front page.
Any questions about it, just let me know and for those of you struggling with the current post editor features, don't worry about that we're working TinyMCE into the system here in the next few days to allow for easier formatting and creation of articles and posts so they look the way you want to format them, without a lot of fussing with BBCode and HTML to get it done.
To set up a featured article, all you need to do is use the Submissions function and write up an article, including at least one image of your sim or product you're wanting to feature that is set to a pixel dimension of 594w x 240h. We'll then approve the article and link it into its appropriate category and add the that graphic as the feature article graphic in the site's news carousel and you'll be able to share your information with everyone.
The point is to give everyone an equal footing, even players may submit feature articles for consideration, we'll consider anything well written and helpful to the community as a whole for feature exposure on the site's front page.
Any questions about it, just let me know and for those of you struggling with the current post editor features, don't worry about that we're working TinyMCE into the system here in the next few days to allow for easier formatting and creation of articles and posts so they look the way you want to format them, without a lot of fussing with BBCode and HTML to get it done.
Hey guys, we're seeing some broken links from the LL servers in regards to some profile images. This may be for several reasons.
1)You're using a no copy/no trans image as your SL profile image
2)You're using an image for your SL profile image that exceeds the LL servers dimensional constraints.
3)The Second Life server is just extremely slow in picking up and converting SL Profile Images.
So if you do a blog and you get a broken image link using your SL Profile image link, try uploading an avatar, linking to an external image, or using the No Image option til you can do one or the other.
Theres no way for us to fix a broken link from the SL Image server, if they're not serving an image, regardless if you have one, we can't make them serve it.
Thanks all.
1)You're using a no copy/no trans image as your SL profile image
2)You're using an image for your SL profile image that exceeds the LL servers dimensional constraints.
3)The Second Life server is just extremely slow in picking up and converting SL Profile Images.
So if you do a blog and you get a broken image link using your SL Profile image link, try uploading an avatar, linking to an external image, or using the No Image option til you can do one or the other.
Theres no way for us to fix a broken link from the SL Image server, if they're not serving an image, regardless if you have one, we can't make them serve it.
Thanks all.
Please contact me either in world with the email you used:
Email Me, or PM me here on the site if you have basic access and let me know.
We do have about 25 registrants which have outstanding unvalidated registrations, the domains are pretty scattered, and some of them are from domains that other users are having no problem getting registration emails at.
Regardless I have validation strings for everyone thats been waiting and for some reason has not gotten a validation email. I'm examining our xheader info to see if it might for some reason being auto flagged as spam but so far I've no problem receiving server generated sendmail to my ISP emails, Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail but I've seen some of these domains on unvalidated registrations that are sitting in the spool and most of them are returning Service Unavailable or Unknown User which is odd.
Just something we're working out as we work through the kinks regardless I can validate you if you contact me in some manner, theres no reason to continue registering with different emails just contact me and I'll send you a validation string.
Til then I'm going to try to figure out of this is an xheader issue or if its some kind of weird RDNS block at the firewall but there shouldn't be anything blocking RDNS from everything I can see.
No matter we'll work it out, til then, contact me if you haven't gotten a validation email.
Email Me, or PM me here on the site if you have basic access and let me know.
We do have about 25 registrants which have outstanding unvalidated registrations, the domains are pretty scattered, and some of them are from domains that other users are having no problem getting registration emails at.
Regardless I have validation strings for everyone thats been waiting and for some reason has not gotten a validation email. I'm examining our xheader info to see if it might for some reason being auto flagged as spam but so far I've no problem receiving server generated sendmail to my ISP emails, Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail but I've seen some of these domains on unvalidated registrations that are sitting in the spool and most of them are returning Service Unavailable or Unknown User which is odd.
Just something we're working out as we work through the kinks regardless I can validate you if you contact me in some manner, theres no reason to continue registering with different emails just contact me and I'll send you a validation string.
Til then I'm going to try to figure out of this is an xheader issue or if its some kind of weird RDNS block at the firewall but there shouldn't be anything blocking RDNS from everything I can see.
No matter we'll work it out, til then, contact me if you haven't gotten a validation email.